Get ahead of attackers techniques
Use real life scenarios
Launch Sophisticated Phishing attacks
Increase awareness maturity
Monitor reported phishing emails
Rich Email templates library ready to use and can easily be modifed
Choose from built-in scenarios or create your own scenario
Swift redirection to data entry and awareness landing pages
Run Campaigns immediately or set the date and time to execute
Launching a campaign will send out emails to users and each email status can be tracked
User interaction to emails and landing pages are captured and analyzed
Dashboard and Reports will highlight awareness levels
easy to user admin panel to manage recipients and assign admin users. customizable dashboards and campaign status reports.
access to capabilities that help you troubleshoot email delivery and investigate any issue you might encounter
manage and control collected insights and meta-data with complete isolation from other campaigns
compare previous campaign results and observe awareness programs to aid areas of importance
90% of Data Breaches occur on account of phishing.
65% of Attackers leveraged spear phishing as a primary attack vector.
60% of Phishing Emails are opened.
When your employee is regularly receiving phishing mails and training to spot those emails, It hardens them to look at every email cautiously and spot the smallest of give aways instantly. This regular hardening prepares your people to be ready and armed to spot real phishing mails and protect your organization.
Sayad trains employees on how to successfully identify, report, and protect themselves against common-to-advanced email attacks using real-world training simulations
Sayad being a SaaS makes it easy for you to just focus on achieving your cybersecurity awareness objectives, it also enables you to measure the progress
Sayad enables you to swiftly launch campaigns that are similar to an existing attack which will lower th risks of your employees interacting with real phishing attacks
Simple and flexible pricing options, for big and small organization.
Per Recipients annually
50 Recipients
10 Campaigns
5 Reports
1 Custom Templates
1 Admin User
Per Recipients annually
Unlimited Recipients
Unlimited Campaigns
Unlimited Reports
Unlimited Custom Templates
Unlimited Admin Users
Sure you can, by trying the free subscription. It will give a chance to try most of the Sayad features and capabilities
There are no requirements for using Sayad, expect for requesting your preferred subscription plan
Sure, Sayad can be accessed via regular desktop Web Broswers and mobile browsers
Our Free tier subscription plan is one year trial which will give you a chance to try most of the Sayad features and capabilities
Currently No, but its part of Sayad product roadmap
No, Sayad is Software as service “SaaS” which means you can use it without worrying about installation, configuration and updates