Terms And Conditions

Last Modified: June 24, 2024

اللغة العربية

Sayad service helps organizations to assess their employees' cybersecurity awareness and evaluate how the users receive and take actions against possible phishing attacks by sending simulated phishing emails and analyzing users' interactions to those emails. On the terms and conditions, the privacy policy and any policies set by Sayad relating to Sayad service or what serves the service and any amendments made to it from time to time and in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions. Sayad reserves the right, at its own discretion, to make any modification, addition or deletion of any provision of these terms and conditions at any time and without notice. This page will be updated with the last updated date (issuance date) of the Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of the service means your acceptance of the updated terms and conditions, and the terms and conditions constitute a legal obligation between you and Sayad.


These terms and conditions shall be effective as of the date of your subscription through the service or your use of any of our services that do not require subscription or registration and shall remain in effect unless terminated in accordance with the terms contained in these terms and conditions.

Data registration and account security

You acknowledge that the information registered is correct, current, and complete for your use of the Services and that you maintain your confidential information and password. You must provide current, complete and accurate information and keep it current and accurate for the duration of your use of the service. You hereby agree to provide all information that we ask for or that are required by law to provide the Services. You must provide us immediately with all the information and evidence that we require from you at any stage of your use of Sayad Services. We may also ask you to provide us with additional information to verify your identity as a condition of providing the service to you. You agree to provide such information whenever we need it, including information necessary to verify your identity. You also acknowledge that you are fully responsible for your account and the activities that occur under your account.

non-commercial use

Sayad services are not permissible to use, sell, copy or transfer to any third party. Sayad subscribers must not use the service for any purposes that are inconsistent with the services provided or these Terms and Conditions. Wrong and unauthorized use of the services provided through Sayad is in violation of these terms and conditions and the company reserves the right to take appropriate legal action.

Intellectual property and Licensing

All content, details, designs, and structure of Sayad platform (including: user interface, data, information, statistics and any data resulting from your use of the service) shall be owned by the us and the rights arising from it, except for your personal information, and by your acceptance of these terms and conditions, you agree and confirm that Sayad and its services include on materials protected by intellectual property rights regulations and you acknowledge that the we are the sole and exclusive owner of all rights, titles and interests in and to the service or its content or both, including any patents, trademarks, design rights, copyrights and any other intellectual and industrial property rights associated with them and has the right to dispose of them without referring to you. You also acknowledge and agree not to take any actions that conflict with this ownership, and if you take any derivative actions that violate any of Sayad rights based on what is stated in these terms and conditions on the service or its contents, in whole or partially, you unambiguously and automatically authorize us all rights and exempting us from any claims or obligations towards third parties, and we reserves the right to take the necessary legal measures. Sayad hereby grants you limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to: (i) access and use the service, including any updates to it. and (ii) access and use the Content, including any updates or improvements thereto, in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.


The logo and the word “Sayad” and any graphics, designs, logos, page headers, icons or service fonts are among the trademark owned by superior solutions company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in any other country and the company’s trademark may not be used, copied or associated with any product or service in any way. Any form of confusion without the prior written consent of the Company.

Sayad Services

We have the right at any time during the period of your use of the service to refrain from providing part or all of the services mentioned above, and we may add services to the service and/or define general practices and impose restrictions on the use of the Services without notifying you in advance. Sayad service are based on the availability of the Internet service, and therefore you must provide the Internet service and that it works well and you must continue to connect to the network to get the features that we provide. We are not responsible for any delay or inability to access Sayad services arising for any reasons related to poor internet service or your failure to provide a suitable device to access the service. We are not responsible for any illegal operations that may interfere with your access to the service, and you must secure the device used to access the service well to ensure that your information is protected.

User Content of the Service

We acknowledge that your account, your transactions and any information derived from you from time to time in your use of the service ("User Content") shall remain your property and shall be used only for the purpose of providing you with the highest levels of service, not inconsistent with these Terms and Conditions. You retain the copyright and any other rights owed to the User Content. By entering user data and content, you agree and grant to Sayad a non-exclusive, free, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual and transferable license to use, distribute, reproduce, develop, display, publicly perform and exploit such inputs in connection with the Service provided. Your account, your information are published and can be accessed only through your account. If you can add content through the Sayad service, you guarantee and acknowledge that this content is legal and does not conflict with any regulations in force in the Kingdom, and you also acknowledge that you are the person authorized to provide this data through the service and that this data is not for third parties and is not subject to any rights that prevent adding it to the service And you are fully responsible for all information, data and content that you provide through the service.

privacy policy

Our Privacy Policy applies to your use of the Sayad service.

Subscription Policy

Except for the free services provided, Sayad charges a subscription fee during the period of your use of the services (“Subscription Fee”). The term of your subscription to the service may be one or twelve months, depending on the value of the subscription fee. You agree to provide proof of payment for the subscription fee. Subscription fee depends on the service provided. The company reserves the right to amend the subscription fees at any time and the mechanism for paying the subscription fees. Subscription fees should be paid in advance or periodically. Note that the subscription fee is not refundable and you are not entitled to ask Sayad to refund the subscription fee for the period or parts of the period that you did not use the service. You are responsible for all fees, charges, local taxes, exchange fees, and any other fees and charges of any kind except for taxes on Sayad corporate income.

Termination and expiry of the term

You can cancel any of the services provided in the Sayad platform at any time through the subscription page in your account and follow the instructions to cancel the services. Your cancellation of any of the services will have its immediate effect after the end of the subscription period. When you cancel any of the Services, Sayad does not charge any subscription fees in the billing cycle that follows the cancellation. By canceling any of the services, you may lose the contents of your account and enable you to access the account. Cancellation and termination of your account will result in the loss of all content of your account and your access to the account. This information cannot be recovered and the Company shall have no liability to you for the loss of such information. Without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, we may terminate these Terms and Conditions and your use of Sayad service or part of the Services provided by the service for any reason at any time. Without limiting the scope of the preceding paragraph, we may suspend the service and block access to your account in the following cases:

  • If you breach the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;
  • or if we believe that you will expose us to unacceptable cybersecurity or fraud risk;
  • if it appears that you are providing or that you have provided us with false, incomplete, incorrect or misleading information (including without limitation registration data) or that you have engaged in fraud or unlawful conduct;
  • or if we have security concerns about your account, including your credentials;
  • If we suspect unauthorized or fraudulent use of your account.
  • If we suspect that you misuse Sayad to launch phishing attacks.

  • In such cases, we will inform you of the suspension of your account and the reasons for this, if possible, prior to suspension and at the latest immediately after suspension, unless we believe at the time that giving such information may cause security problems or the applicable system prohibits it. We will reactivate or replace your account or credentials, as the case may be, as soon as the reasons for suspension have been removed.

    Close your account

    You acknowledge and agree that Sayad has the right to close your account in the following cases:

  • In the event that the account is exposed to identity verification problems during the opening of the account through the data matching service with official records
  • Trying to use the service illegally
  • The customer's violation of any of the terms or obligations contained in these terms and conditions.

  • Statutory Liability and Compensation

    YOU AGREE THAT YOU WILL BE PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR USE OF THE SERVICE AND AGREE TO PROMOTE, DISCLAIMER AND INDEMNIFY OUR COMPANY, AND ITS EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, ADVISORS, AFFILIATES, AND CUSTOMERS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITY, DAMAGES, LOSSES AND COSTS - INCLUDING ATTORNEY AND ACCOUNTING COSTS - which may arise from you or in connection with: (i) your access to, your/purported use of the Service; (ii) your breach of the Terms of Service or any statement, warranty or agreements made herein. (iii) your breach of any rights of a third party, including, but not limited to, any intellectual property rights, publicity, secret, proprietary or privacy rights. (iv) any third party complaint or claim transferred by our Company to you to the extent that it is based on any real or alleged act or negligence of you and your side, or any claim or claim resulting from such transfer. (5) any disputes or problems between you and any service provider or third party.

    Limitation of Liability

    You agree and acknowledge that our Company, its subsidiaries, employees, directors, employees, consultants, affiliates and customers will not be liable to you for any damages - direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punishable by law - caused by your use of the Service or your inability to use the Service. You agree that our Company is not responsible for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct caused by its service providers, other users or third parties, and that the risk of doing so is at your own risk. We are not responsible for your reliance on information provided by a Service Provider or through the Service and you must ensure that such information is correct, accurate, complete and appropriate for you. You are responsible for engaging with the Service Provider to determine the nature and size of each request and to ensure that such request complies with all applicable regulations. You agree that our Company's maximum aggregate liability to you as a user for any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the use of the Service is limited to the following: (i) the amounts you have paid to Sayad service for access to and use of the Service within the six months (6 months) preceding the event that lead to a lawsuit.

    General Provisions

    We may modify the terms of these terms and conditions, specifications or any policy or features of Sayad Services at any time, however, we will provide you with at least thirty (30) days’ notice before we implement any changes or any shorter period if the modifications are based on government decisions or new regulations, or if we consider it necessary to amend these terms within a shorter period, and the matter is ultimately subject to the opinion of Sayad. We will notify you of any modification to these Terms and Conditions or any policy by posting it on our App. If you do not agree to any change to these terms and conditions or specifications or to any policy or feature of Sayad Services, you may terminate the Terms and Conditions and close your account without charging you a fee in connection with the termination. These Terms and Conditions shall not be construed as creating or contemplating the creation of any joint venture, worker-employer relationship, escrow account, partnership or any financial relationship between you and us or any of our affiliated entities. Neither party shall be considered an agent or representative of the other party under these terms and conditions. Neither party has been authorized nor may any party seek to create or assume any express or implied obligation or liability on behalf of or on behalf of the other party. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, neither party may enter into any contract, agreement or commitment that would provide any warranty or guarantee or create or assume any obligation or liability on behalf of or on behalf of the other party. You may not enter into any assignment or transfer of any of your rights, obligations or privileges under these Terms and Conditions without our prior written consent. Subject to the foregoing, these terms and conditions are binding on those who succeed the parties in the right and have not waived it to him. Any waiver entered into in violation of the provisions of this clause shall be null and void.


    Sayad acknowledges that your personal records (your name and identity) are confidential documents and therefore will not be disclosed to any third party other than the employees and to the competent authorities if the legal situation so requires. Sayad will not sell, share, or rent your personal information to any third party or use your email address to send unsolicited messages without contravening these Terms and Conditions. Any e-mails sent by Sayad service will be related to the services and products offered and agreed upon.

    Contacting us

    You can direct your inquiries or complaints by contacting us by: Email us at: info@Sayad.app You must immediately notify us of any complaints or objections related to the account or any of the other services provided by Sayad, and such complaints and objections shall be submitted through the channels set out above.

    Transfer of ownership

    Superior Solution company has the right to transfer any of its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions to (a) any of its subsidiaries; (b) any company that acquires the assets of the company in whole or in part; (c) Any company that acquires the services and interests of the company in whole or in part. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of a transfer of any of the rights and obligations of the Company, the right of the transferee of the rights and obligations to continue to provide the Services and your use of the service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.


    No waiver by either party of its rights or obligations of the other party stipulated in these terms and conditions shall be considered unless the waiver is in writing and signed by the waiver. The failure or negligence of any party in enforcing or imposing the implementation of the provisions of these terms and conditions or in the use of its rights or remedies under these terms and conditions shall not be considered a waiver or relinquishment of its right to establish or rely on such provisions, rights or remedies, but all of them shall remain valid and productive. for all its legal effects.


    If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a competent court, the remaining parts of the Terms and Conditions will remain in effect and produce all legal effects, and the court (at our request) shall interpret that invalid or unenforceable part in a manner that preserves as much of the expressed intent as possible. In the original language of the terms and conditions. If interpretation is not possible in this way, the relevant part of these terms and conditions shall be deleted and the remaining parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect for all their legal effects.

    applicable system

    These terms and conditions are subject to the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These terms and conditions and all non-contractual obligations arising from or related to them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Agree to the terms and conditions

    Your use of the Sayad service means your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, and the terms and conditions governing the service and service. If you do not agree to these terms, you must refrain from using any of the services provided through the service without any liability to Sayad.

    electronic contract

    These terms and conditions and the privacy policy are an electronic contract between the service and its users, and all its provisions are binding on all users, and it is not permissible to violate any obligations contained in this contract or arising from its service.

    electronic signature

    Your use of the Sayad service or any services available through it, registering an account with us, providing your data to us through the service or subscribing to any of our services, is an electronic signature of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy superseding any required written signatures.

    Legal Notices

    You agree to receive any legal notices under this Agreement in electronic form or through the means of communication you have provided to us, and such notices supersede any written notices required to be given to the user.

    Monthly Email Sending Limit

    Each organization is subject to a monthly limit on the number of emails that can be sent. The specific number of emails allowed per month is determined by the terms of your subscription plan. Once the monthly email sending limit is reached, no additional emails can be sent until the quota resets at the beginning of the next monthly cycle.